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Here's How to Calculate Charge Rate


Fill in Job Details

Input the number of workers, hours worked, hourly pay, and profit to start.


Find Your Rate

Instantly find the fair minimum charge rate, covering all necessary components.


Advocate for Fairness

Stand up for ethical practices by utilising the calculated rate.

Enter the total number of security personnel required
Enter the weekly working hours for each security personnel
Enter hourly wage (minimum £11.44 for 21+). You can adjust higher
Estimated overhead costs per hour for insurance, training, and equipment

These figures are based on average costs published by the GLAA, reflecting common industry expenditures such as administrative fees, facilities costs, and essential services. Overhead costs can vary significantly between businesses. For this calculator, we use a default value of £2.00 per hour, but you should adjust it according to your specific expenses to ensure accurate cost planning and compliance.

Enter the expected profit margin for the provider
Fixed at 28.62%, based on standard industry rates.

This field represents the combined fixed costs of employer contributions, including National Insurance (13.8%), Holiday Pay (12.07%), Pension Auto Enrolment (1.75%), and SSP & Maternity Pay (1%). The total employer contribution rate is 28.62%. Adjustments account for workers ineligible for auto enrolment and those who opt out.


Annual Charge Rate


Hourly Minimum Charge Rate

Note: All calculations are based on employees over the age of 21. Apprenticeship levy cost of 0.5% would need to be added for companies with a payroll in excess of £3m P.A. (not included here). Employer's pension auto-enrollment contributions of 3% have been displayed, reduced to 1.75% to account for ineligible workers due to hours worked below the legal enrollment threshold, and those that have opted out. SSP and Maternity pay contribution has been calculated based on likely industry-related demand. Fixed employer contribution costs, complying with the above stipulations are: NI contributions = 13.8%, Holiday = 12.07%, Pension auto-enrollment = 1.75%, SSP & Maternity Pay = 1%, Total = 28.62%

Ethical Impact

Advantages of Advocating Fair Pay

Enhanced Reputation

Elevate your standing in the industry.

Budgeting Brilliance

Efficient cost management for peace of mind.

Team Satisfaction

Happy teams lead to lower turnover.

Compliance Made Easy

Stay ahead of legal requirements.

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Fair Wages in Security?

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